Star Wars – X-Wing

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy!

Star Wars – X-Wing

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy!

2 Players
14+ Age
30-45 min Duration
Star Wars – X-Wing

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy!

2 Players
14+ Age
30-45 min Duration

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy!

Out of the Star Wars X-wing Core Set, you can start to assemble your own squadron of iconic starfighters from…

Skills you'll use

  • Strategy

    Succeed through critical thinking… Think. Plan. Win!

Discover the world of Star Wars Board Games & Card Games

Game details

Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy!

Out of the Star Wars X-wing Core Set, you can start to assemble your own squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Iden Versio.