Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." - General Douglas MacArthur

Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." - General Douglas MacArthur

2-8 Players
8+ Age
45-60 min Duration
Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." - General Douglas MacArthur

2-8 Players
8+ Age
45-60 min Duration
  • Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater
  • Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater
  • Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." - General Douglas MacArthur

From the jungles of Japanese-occupied Burma to the desolate slopes of long-forgotten atolls, discover this latest exciting expansion for Memoir…

Skills you'll use

  • Strategy

    Succeed through critical thinking… Think. Plan. Win!

What's in the box

Memoir ’44 – Pacific Theater
  • 48 Japanese infantrymen
  • 12 Type 95 “Ha-Go” light tanks
  • 6 Type 98 75mm anti-aircraft guns
  • Night Attacks and and War Ships Data Sheets
  • 44 double-sided Terrain tiles
  • 10 round markers
  • 4 obstacles
  • 14 Special Unit badges
  • 8 Historical Scenarios
  • New Rules in English and French

Game details

"The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." - General Douglas…

From the jungles of Japanese-occupied Burma to the desolate slopes of long-forgotten atolls, discover this latest exciting expansion for Memoir ’44! The Pacific Theater expansion introduces new units (Chindits, Japanese Giretsu Special Forces, US Marines), new weapons (Mobile Artillery, Flame throwing Tanks), new terrains and features (rope bridges, aircraft carriers, warships, caves…) and new figures (Japanese Infantry, Ha-Go Light Tanks and 75mm AA Guns), and more…

Revive some of the most ferocious battles of WWII like Iwo Jima or Okinawa! Use new rules, like the Japanese “Banzai!” war cry or the Marines’ “Gung Ho” rally cry to win the battle!