
Presenting The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set from FFG!

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Experience the incredible world of Middle-earth, with The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set from Fantasy Flight Games!

During this game of epic journeys, players assemble a band of adventurers, who attempt to complete dangerous quests. From the bright fields of the Shire and the dangerous paths of Mirkwood Forest, to the mighty kingdoms of Gondor and Rohan, the heroes of this beloved setting come together to resist the threat of the Dark Lord, Sauron.

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game has players working together, against scenarios controlled by the game. With even more content and better quality, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set, offers the perfect opportunity for new players to dive into the game. The box comes with everything you need to kick off your adventures, including enough cards and components for four players to enjoy the game right out of the gate. The three scenarios included can be played standalone or as a sequential campaign, complete with a log book, to keep track of players’ progress.

To enhance your play experience, additional cards and quests are available in regular expansions, allowing players to complete even more quests, customize games, or to create their own original decks, for countless possibilities!

Visit a retailer store near you as of January 14 to find the game and become your favourite Lord of the Rings character!