- Carcassonne
- Family
- Games
- Stella – Dixit Universe
- Totem: The Feel Good Game
- Who's playing?

If you only celebrate one day this year, why not make it Mother’s Day? Moms do way more than bring us into this world. They feed us, clothe us and teach us right from wrong. They show us how to live and, as importantly, what it means to love and to be loved. Smart, savvy and beautiful, Moms are super sleuths, problem solvers and strategic thinkers. Creative, compassionate and supportive, they’re the rock we can always count on, and the soft shoulder that we can always lean on.
This Mother’s Day, please don’t forget that happy mothers love to play! Besides best wishes and flowers, why not bring her the gifts of laughter and fun, mischief, joy and beautiful memories that come with every great board game? Some board games let Mom’s artistic side shine. Others feed her curiosity, smarts or wanderlust. But they all bring everyone closer together. Which one will your Mother love? You decide.
Ages: 14+ / Players: 1 – 5 / Duration: 30-45 minutes

Mamma Mia! Who knew Mom had such a way with pictures and words? Canvas challenges artistes in a race to collect their cards and create three unique and uniquely titled masterpieces.
Ages: 8+ / Players: 2 – 4 / Duration: 30 – 45 minutes

If Mother likes Pinterest, she’ll love Azul. Players must mix and match beautiful tiles to create game-winning patterns, sets and designs. And, like Mother always said: Waste not, want not!
Ages: 7+ / Players: 2 – 5 / Duration: 30 – 45 minutes

If Mom is new to board games, start with Carcassonne. Fast, colourful and easy to play, it will test all her strategic skills. And yours. Do you really think you stand a chance?
Stella – Dixit Universe
Ages: 8+ / Players: 3 – 6 / Duration: 30 – 45 minutes

Mother always said that we all see things differently. Stella – Dixit Universe shows you why, as players secretly associate their word-card with all the other cards on the table. Interesting? You bet. Fun? Nonstop.
Ticket to Ride: Express – Amsterdam
Ages: 8+ / Players: 2 – 4 / Duration: 15 minutes

Take Mom on a train ride through legendary Amsterdam, where you’ll compete to buy up lucrative properties and corner the market before she does! Good luck with that.
Mysterium Park
Ages: 10+ / Players: 2 – 6 / Duration: 30 – 45 minutes

Test Mother’s detective skills in Mysterium Park. Players must use their psychic talents to decipher the ghostly clues that reveal the park director’s killer and the ghastly scene of the crime.
Ages: 8+ / Players: 3 – 6 / Duration: 60 – 90 minutes

Imagine a game in which everyone feels good and wins! No. It’s not called Love You Mom! It’s Totem, the feel-good card game that helps players say just how much they really appreciate each another.
Find these, and other great family games that mom is sure to love, at a retail store near you!