
Receive the most Favors from the Spirits to become the Keeper of the Great Tree! A twist of collaboration, competitive and cooperative game!


Receive the most Favors from the Spirits to become the Keeper of the Great Tree! A twist of collaboration, competitive and cooperative game!

2-4 Players
10+ Age
30-45 min Duration

Receive the most Favors from the Spirits to become the Keeper of the Great Tree! A twist of collaboration, competitive and cooperative game!

2-4 Players
10+ Age
30-45 min Duration

A twist of collaboration, both competitive and cooperative game!

In Inori Valley, villages are built beneath the foliage of an immense sacred tree, where they coexist with benevolent (yet…

Skills you'll use

  • Strategy

    Succeed through critical thinking… Think. Plan. Win!

What's in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 90 Favor tokens (15 per Spirit’s color)
  • 15 Rune tiles
  • 6 double-sided Altar tiles (1 per Spirit’s color)
  • 12 Start cards
  • 6 New Start cards
  • 36 Journey cards (6 per Spirit’s color)
  • 2 neutral Offering markers
  • 4 Score markers (1 per player)
  • 28 Offering markers (7 per player)
  • 4 Player tiles (1 per player)
  • 1 Rulebook

Game details

A twist of collaboration, both competitive and cooperative game!

In Inori Valley, villages are built beneath the foliage of an immense sacred tree, where they coexist with benevolent (yet jealous) Spirits. Each year, the village chiefs make offerings to the Spirits and erect Altars in their honor on the Great Tree.

Receive the most Favors from the Spirits to become this year’s Keeper of the Great Tree!